Produced by Tri-Hard Cresties out of Kili x Voltage.
Kili was produced by ZenGex out of Druid (Wasabi x Electra) x Mage (Nebula x Ronan). Druid was produced by the Gecko Den out of Wasabi (Lellarap x Akua) x Electra (Yelp x Dasha). Mage was produced by the Crestie King out of Nebula x Ronan (Chowder x Anarchy). Wasabi was produced by LAC Herps out of Lellarap (Pinallen x Stripette) x Akua. Electra was produced by Ridge and Valley Reptiles out of Yelp x Dasha (Pins x Lava). Ronan was produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos out of Chowder x Anarchy (Toulouse x Twerp). Nebula was produced by Northern Virginia Gecko out of the Incredible Hott Mess Line. Anarchy was produced by LAC Herps out of Toulouse x Twerp. Lellarap was produced by LAC Geckos out of Pinallen x Stripette. Dasha was produced by Ridge and Valley Reptiles out of Pins/Castellano x Lava (Stripes x ?). Lava was produced by AC Reptiles out of Stripes. Chowder was produced by Pangea user Mohammad. Pinallen, Stripette, Toulouse, and Twerp were produced by Repashy.
Voltage was produced by Apex Predator Geckos out of White Noise x Verve (David x Raspberry). White Noise was produced by Pangea. Verve was produced by Scaredy Cat Geckos out of David (Dexter x Snapdragon) x Raspberry. David was produced by Crown Jewel Reptiles out of Dexter x Snapdragon. Raspberry was produced by Northern Gecko.
Sire: Kili (Druid x Mage) ZenGex
Dam: Voltage (White Noise x Verve) Apex Predator Geckos
Paternal Grand Sire: Druid (Wasabi x Electra)
Paternal Grand Dam: Mage (Nebula x Ronan) Crestie King
Maternal Grand Sire: White Noise - Pangea
Maternal Grand Dam: Verve (David x Raspberry) Scaredy Cat Geckos
Maternal Great Grand Sire: Ronan (Chowder x Anarchy) Scaredy Cat Geckos
Maternal Great Grand Dam: Nebula (Incredible Hott Mess line) Northern Virginia Geckos
Paternal Great Grand Sire: Wasabi - Produced by LAC Geckos (Lellarap x Akua)
Paternal Great Grand Dam: Electra (Yelp x Dasha) Ridge and Valley
Maternal Great Grand Sire: David (Dexter x Snapdragon) Crown Jewel Reptiles
Maternal Great Grand Dam: Raspberry -Northern Gecko
Maternal Great Great Grand Sire: Chowder - Pangea user Mohammad
Maternal Great Great Grand Dam: Anarchy (Toulouse x Twerp) LAC Herps
Paternal Great Great Grand Sire: Lellarap - Produced by LAC Geckos (Pinallen x Stripette)
Paternal Great Great Grand Dam: Akua - Produced by Repashy
Maternal Great Great Grand Sire: Dexter
Maternal Great Great Grand Dam: Snapdragon
Maternal Great Great Great Grand Sire: Toulouse - Repashy
Maternal Great Great Great Grand Dam: Twerp - Repashy
Paternal Great Great Great Great Grandparents: Pinallen & Stripette - Produced by Repashy
Paternal Great Great Grand Sire: Yelp
Paternal Great Great Great Grand Sire: Castellano (Pins)
Paternal Great Great Great Grand Dam: Lava - Produced by AC Reptiles (Stripes x ??)